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Jordan | home
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Tuesday Night Havoc - June 18, 2002
![]() (Jordan arrives in Jasper, Alabama where Shane Capps now lives at. He gets out of his car and runs up to the door. He begins bangs on the door until Shane runs down to answer it.)
Shane: What in the hell is going on? Why are you here at 3:00 a.m.?
Jordan: Shane, its Brian. He has been involved in an accident.
Shane: What???? Are you sure?
Jordan: Yes, I am sure. I heard it on Vortex News as I was driving to New York. I got to Tennessee and had to turn around and here I am now.
Shane: Well, is he ok? What's going on?
Jordan: From what I have heard, he was involved in a two-car accident. It was him and Marc Fitzgerald in one car and Paige Phillips in the other car. Paige ran a red light and hit them in the side. Their car was hit pretty hard and was slammed into a power pole. Marc was trapped inside but Brian was pulled out and carried to the hospital. Minutes later the car exploded with Marc inside.
Paige was forced into a ditch where she hit her head and later fainted. She was also rushed to the hospital, treated, and then released into the care of Christian Delamico. Brian was also treated and released but the supervisor of the hospital told him that Marc did not survive the car accident and he went crazy. He stormed out of the hospital and his last known where bouts are unknown at this time. Do you know where he would go?
Shane: There is only one place that I know where he would go and that is to his home in Columbus, Georgia.
Jordan: Then get your ass dressed and lets get to traveling.
(Shane runs to his room and throws on a pair of jeans, socks, and shoes. He grabs his keys and wallet and gets in the car with Jordan. They begin their journey to Columbus to see whether or not Brian has made it home.)
Shane: How in the world are you going to be prepared for your match tomorrow night against Slayer and Rayne?
Jordan: I admit, it is going to be difficult. However, Slayer has not showed any effort wanting to win this match and as far as I can tell Rayne hasn't shown anything either. I have been training my ass off all week long trying to get ready for this match. Sure Rayne may be the favorite in this match but I believe that I can come out on top. I mean I have had my down times but it is now time for me to rebound. Rayne and Slayer both will feel what I have in store for them.
Shane: Are you sure about that? I mean Rayne has pulverized his opponents and doesn't show signs of backing down anytime soon.
Jordan: Yes, I am sure. Like I said, Rayne thinks he is coming into this match with no worthy opponents but he is mistaken. I will show him what it is like to have the hell beaten out of you. Rayne is a powerful man but he just is not that powerful. Slayer says that we will be in pain tonight after our match. Well, little does he know that he won't even make it through the match. I will see to that personally!
Shane: Strong words from such a little man!
(The two laugh at Shane's comment and are now traveling down I-65. They arrive in Montgomery and now take the I-85 exit east. Shane looks off to the left and sees that sun is beginning to rise. Jordan yawns but continues to drive down the interstate. A couple of hours later they arrive in Columbus, Georgia. Jordan travels down a few country roads and finally arrives at the mansion that belongs to Brian. He pulls up to the gate and looks over at Shane.)
Jordan: Do you still know the code to get into this place?
Shane: Yes, I think it is still the same.
(Shane tells Jordan what the code is and Jordan enters it. The gates begin to open and Jordan pulls forward slowly. They get up to the front of the house and notice that all of the cars are still here. Shane gets out of the car and walks up to the front door. He enters in the code and unlocks the door with his keys. Jordan follows and Shane makes his way upstairs. They enter the bedroom where they see Brian sleeping peacefully.)
Shane: Lets let him sleep for a while longer. Then we will interrogate him and find out what in the hell is going on.
Jordan: Sounds good to me. What do we do in the meantime?
Shane: Well, we could fix some coffee and go out onto the gazebo and talk.
Jordan: Lets go.
(Jordan and Shane walk downstairs and are met by the Rosa, one of the house attendants. She just gives them a nod and continues to the guesthouse. Shane goes into the kitchen and then begins to prepare the coffee. While Shane is doing this Jordan has made his way out to the gazebo. He takes a seat on the swing and stares out at the lake that is directly in front of them. Shane comes out a few minutes later with their coffee.)
Shane: So, you think that your match between Slayer and Rayne is going to be difficult? I mean you are going up against the number one person in the Vortex Top 50. He has held that spot now for over a month and a half now.
Jordan: That may be so but I feel as though I am worthy enough to be competing against them. Rayne is just
the type of guy that you have to study and study and study. He doesn't know that I have been studying his moves in the AWF since I have gotten here because I knew that later on down the road I would be facing him.
As for Slayer, he can't handle a match by himself. Instead he has to bring his entire crew with him. Mainly because he knows that he can't win a match himself. He has to bring out a slew of people to do it for him. Hell, if were not for The Phantom Lord or Jake McGinnity his ass would have already been served to him on a platter.
Shane: That may be so but he is still a very strong man. I just hope you can pull this win off because I would love nothing more than to have my brother take home the AWF World Championship Title! When you do that that will be one of the happiest days in my life.
Jordan: Not to worry Shane! I am going for the gold and nobody will stop me. Nobody!
(Shane gets up from his seat and takes both of their coffee cups. He walks into the kitchen and pours them another cup. He puts in the right amount of sugar and milk and returns to the gazebo. It is now 8:00 a.m. and Brian has still not awaked from his sleep. They drink their other cup of coffee and around nine o'clock Shane gets up and walks back upstairs. He sees that Brian is still lying there sleeping. He walks over to the bed and sits down beside him. Shane stares into his closed eyes and just watches Brian as he sleeps. Brian turns over and places his hands on Shane's leg. Brian then opens his eyes and looks at Shane.)
Brian: When did you get here?
Shane: A few hours ago. Jordan and I had to come down and check on you. We heard what had happened and Jordan asked if I knew where you would go and the only place that I could of was here. I know that you love this place and you would rather be here than any other place in the world.
Brian: Shane, you know me too well. That is one of the things that I loved about you. You understood me more than anyone else ever did including Justin. Isn't it ironic that you have returned again and here I am again having to go through yet another funeral.
Shane: There is nothing ironic about it. It was just Marc's time to go. You could not have stopped what happened. I know what you are going through Brian. I was here the first time when Justin died and I will be here for you now.
Brian: Shane, you don't know how much this means to me. I am so sorry that I hurt you and if I could go back and change the past I would. You know that don't you?
Shane: Yes, I know that Brian. But we need to get you ready and head towards New York. You have a match tonight and you have got a lot to do over the next few days. Jordan and I both will be here for you. Whatever you need you just let us know.
Brian: Thanks Shane! I really do owe you one.
(Jordan walks up to the bedroom and sees that Brian and Shane are talking. He walks into the bedroom and sits down beside Brian. Shane looks over at Jordan and then back at Brian. Brian looks at Shane and then at Jordan.)
Jordan: Brian, I am so sorry about Marc. If there is anything that I can do just let me know. I am here for you.
Brian: Thanks Jordan! I really do appreciate it. Now I will get up, get dressed, and we will head out the door. We have a long journey ahead of us.
(Jordan gets up and walks back downstairs. Shane follows and the two drink yet another cup of coffee. While they are downstairs Brian gets up out of the bed and goes into the bathroom. He turns the shower on and gets the water to the right temperature. He then steps in and begins to wash his hair. He put rinses his hair and then applies the shampoo. He lathers it up and then rinses it out. He grabs the bar of soap and starts to bathe his entire body. Jordan and Shane have finished their cup of coffee and now begin another cup. Brian is finishing up his shower and steps out. He grabs a towel and dries himself off.
He walks into the bedroom and puts on a pair of boxers and t-shirt. He then puts on the rest of his clothes and walks downstairs. Shane sees Brian walking down the stairs and gets his cup of coffee ready for him. When Brian walks into the kitchen he sees that Shane has already fixed his coffee. He looks over at Shane and smiles. Shane returns the smile and Jordan just looks at both of them.)
Jordan: Seriously, you two should have never broken up. You guys are perfect together but Brian; you need to control your sex drive! Don't go out and fuck the first guy that gives you the time of day.
Brian: Yes father! Whatever you say. I mean I do want to live up to what you have done in your past.
Jordan: OK smartass!
(The three men begin to laugh and decide that it is time for them to go. They load up into Jordan's Ford Expedition and begin their trip to New York. When they get to Birmingham Shane tells Jordan to head to the airport. Jordan looks over at Shane like he is crazy but does as he says. They arrive at the Birmingham International Airport and Shane tells him to park in a parking place in Section B6. Jordan again does as he is told but when get gets to Section B6 a guard stops him.)
Guard: Can I help you gentlemen?
(Shane leans over and begins to speak.)
Shane: Yes, let me introduce myself. My name is Shane Capps and I own a helicopter that is within this area. Now I need you to let us through so we can be on our way.
Guard: Yes sir Mr. Capps!
(The gate opens and Jordan drives through. He sees some parking places on his left and pulls into one of them. They men get out of the expedition and grab what item they have. Shane points to his helicopter and the Brian and Jordan look at one another.)
Jordan: Damn! When did you get this?
Brian: Yeah, when did you get this? I never knew about it.
Shane: I got it when I bought the Vortex Magazine. It has been over here for months and has never even been used. So, we are going to put it to use today.
(They get into the helicopter and the pilot is waiting on them. He starts the chopper and takes off. Brian looks over at Jordan and begins to speak.)
Brian: So, you are up against Rayne and Slayer tonight. How do you think you will do?
Jordan: I was telling Shane that is going to be difficult but I feel as though my competition is going to be Rayne. Slayer hasn't really showed that he wants this title but Rayne has. I have been studying all of his matches since I entered in the AWF and I have learned a lot. But both of the guys are not going to be able to be beat me. I have been training all week long and I feel as though I am up to the fight tonight.
You look at Rayne and you think that he is nothing but a man full of all talk. That may e true in some cases but he will come out tonight and give all that he has. Slayer on the other hand will come out but he will not come out to win. He will most likely bring his little group with him to join in on this match. If that is so, I will ask the AWF staff to strongly consider disqualifying him for that. This match is to be between Rayne, Slayer, and myself. Not anyone else.
Brian: Yeah, I agree with you. I'll be facing Goat and Viper. I feel as though I have the upper hand here but we will wait and see.
(The helicopter arrives in the state of New York and Shane instructs him on where to land. The pilot does as he is told and lands the chopper. The men grab their personal affects and exit the helicopter. There is a black limousine waiting on them as they exit the chopper. They get into the limo and Shane tells the driver to go to the Ritz Carlton. The driver does as he is told and heads toward the Ritz Carlton. Forty-five minutes later they arrive at the Ritz. They get out the car and head inside. Shane gets the keys to their room and distributes them out.)
Shane: I figure that Jordan and I can share a room and you can have your own if you want Brian. But that is entirely up to you. Just let me know what you want to do.
Brian: Yeah, that is cool with me. I think that I need time to get over everything that has happened and being back in the state of New York is not helping that at all. So, I am going to head to my room and take a long hot bath and head to bed for a quick nap.
Jordan: Ok man; just let us know if you need anything. We will be right next to you.
Brian: You got it.
(The men then make their way up to the rooms. Jordan and Shane's is the first one and they enter. Brian then walks down to his room and enters. He places his bags on a table that is beside the door. He walks into the bathroom and begins to run his bath water. He has the water at the right the right temperature and then takes off all of his clothes. He gets in the bathtub and just sits there soaking and thinking about everything that has happened over the past twenty-four hours.
Jordan and Shane are back in their room talking about all of the events that has happened over the past twenty-four hours. They start another pot of coffee and begin to drink this as they talk.)
Jordan: Shane, tonight will be the beginning of changes in the AWF. We will not know what happens until it happens. Everyone may be shocked at some of the events that happen but they will have to take in stride. They will have to accept the things that happen and go about their business and they usually do.
(The camera then fades to black and Jordan finishes his statement.)
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