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Jordan | home
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() June Jeopardy - June 23
![]() (It is now Wednesday morning and we see Jordan arriving in Lincoln, Nebraska. He drives down a little country road and then takes a right into a paved driveway. He drives up about a half a mile and a house comes into view. It is a two-story house with a porch all the way around it. There is also a three-car garage attached to the house with a five-car garage three or four hundred feet away. The house is beige with hunter green shutters. He pulls up to the garage and turns his SUV off. He steps out and just takes a deep breath of this fresh Nebraska air.
He then walks around the house to inspect. Everything seems to be where it was last time he was here, which was over two months ago. He had just bought this house when Lisa moved back to the United States. For those of you who do not know who Lisa is, she was the woman that Kasheryn supposedly killed. However, it turns out that Sara Delamico set Kasheryn up just so he would go to jail. During this whole time it was Sara that was having an affair with Kasheryn and didn't have the nerve to tell him. So she thought it would be best if she set him up for the murder of Lisa White. Sara then orchestrated the whole plan and everything went perfectly until Kasheryn outsmarted the New York DA's office.
Now we see Jordan unlock one of the doors and enter the empty house. No furniture of any type has been moved in. The house is completely empty except for all of your major appliances. He then walks upstairs and takes another walk through of the house. He thinks back to what might have been. Things were going good for Jordan. He entered the AWF as a rookie and won the first two or three of his matches. Then things started to go down for him. He lost match after match after match. He lost his girlfriend and then had a sexual experience with another guy. This really started to confuse him. He didn't know what to think of his life and really had no idea what to do from there. As any other young man, Jordan decided to take his life back into his hands and straighten things out. That is what brings us to Lincoln, Nebraska.
Jordan will now start to purchase everything for his house and will move up here within the next few days. He has hired an interior decorator to come out and look at his house. He has already told Heather, the interior decorator, what he likes and what he wants each room done in. He looks out the kitchen windows and notices that a car is coming up the driveway. He does not recognize the car and was not expecting any visitors. Nobody even knew he was in town. The car pulls up behind Jordan's and out steps this 5'7” blonde. He takes a closer look and realizes that it is Heather. He walks to the front door and steps out onto the porch.)
Jordan: Good afternoon Ms. Madison. How are you?
Heather: I am doing great! I was hoping to catch you here today. I have been coming out everyday just to see if you would be here or not. I lost your cell phone number and contacted your employer on several occasions but it appears as though you never got my messages.
Jordan: No, I haven't received the first message. But I will take care of that problem. What brings you all the way out here today?
Heather: I was coming to tell you that I would have my guys out later on this evening to begin our project. We will be through by Friday evening and you can then move in.
Jordan: That sounds wonderful! I am so excited about getting up here that I can't stand it. I am talking now with a real estate agent in town about possibly purchasing some commercial property. So chances are I will be calling on your services again for that “little” project that I am working on.
Heather: Great! What are you going open up if I may ask?
Jordan: I would love to tell you but I am trying to keep it a secret for right now. Plus I have to be sure that the piece of property that I want is what I get.
Heather: Oh, I understand that. You just let me know if the deal goes through or not.
Jordan: Not to worry, I will. I wouldn't have anyone else doing this work me. I am so glad that Brian referred me to you.
Heather: Yeah, Brian has been a long time customer of my company. We decorated the house in Columbus and the one in Jasper.
Jordan: That is why I know I can trust you. You did such a wonderful job on both or his homes and I can't wait to see mine when you get through.
Heather: You will on Friday. What time will you be here then?
Jordan: I should be here around 8:00 PM depending on traffic.
Heather: OK, great! Well, I have to run now. It was nice seeing you and I look forward to seeing you on Friday.
Jordan: It was nice seeing you too. Be careful and I will see you on Friday.
(Heather walks to her car and gets in. She backs up and drives down the driveway. Jordan then walks back into the house to take pictures. He wants to see what the house looks like before the transformation.)
Jordan: You know, LOD, you might as well have someone to take pictures of your little “inner circle” before you guys are transformed by The Youth of the Nation. This feud is one of the biggest in the AWF except for your issues with Tyger. But hey, what ever floats your boat. The Youth of the Nation will be the stable to reckon with. We are a team of young and vigorous males that is full of energy. Although we may have a “leak” within our group we are still strong and will prevail in this match. You say that we should look out. I say that you guys need to be the ones on the look out. You never know what to expect when you get four young physically fit athletes in the ring with some old fogies. Sure you may be physically fit but come on. Get real! There is no way that the LOD will conquer The Youth of the Nation.
Even if this battle continues for months to come you can expect the best from our stable. We will not let you guys destroy us nor we will let The New Breed have a piece of us. You guys may thing that because we are young and not as experiences as yourselves you can just walk all over us. I am very sorry to inform you that it is just not going to happen.
(Jordan finishes walking through the house for one last time. He sets the security system and locks the door. He gets into his Envoy and heads back toward the airport. He was going to drive back to Alabama but with him moving to Nebraska he has decided to fly on to Detroit and get acquainted with the city and his fans there. When he arrived at the airport a limousine he had called before leaving for Detroit picked him up. The driver carries him straight to his hotel. He grabs his bags and walks inside to check in. The clerk gives Jordan his key and tells him where is room is at. When Jordan gets to his room he calls his brother, Shane.)
Jordan: Hey Shane! What's going on?
Shane: Not much at all. Me, Brian, and Casey are all sitting here discussing your match against LOD Sunday night. How do you think The Youth of the Nation will do against the LOD?
Jordan: I feel very confident going into this match. I mean we are a group of young guys and we are full of energy. Plus we will go out there and show LOD that if they mess with one of us, they mess with all of us. There is just one thing and that is Tyger will not be in the match. Instead they have put Kasheryn in and I believe that that is going to cause a little problem.
Shane: Yes, I agree. I think that the staff is up to something for putting Kasheryn in the match. But then again you never know. This could work out in The Youth of the Nation's favor.
Jordan: I hope so. The last thing we need is Kasheryn coming out and turning on us. We cannot afford to lose this match. We must win this match and we have the power to do so. With all of us working together as a team the LOD will go down. They will not leave that ring the same way that they came out. I can promise you that.
(The guys continue to talk about the match and realize that it is already 11:00 PM CST. Shane is the first to head upstairs to go to bed and then is followed by Casey. Casey goes into the guest room and gets ready for bed. Jordan and Brian remain on the phone discussing their matches. Thirty minutes later they decide to go to bed as well. They hang up the phone and Brian goes up to Shane's room and gets in the bed with him. Jordan turns the lights out and falls asleep.
The next day Casey and Brian begin packing their bags to head to Detroit. They are only a few days away from the PPV event now and can't wait until things start get interesting. There are weddings planned for this event as well as a special surprise that Tyger is unaware of. Emotions will be flowing as the night progresses. Casey has gotten his bags packed and walks downstairs to meet up with Shane. Breakfast has been served and is on the table waiting for them. Casey fixes his plate and sits across from Shane. Brian then joins them but not after giving Shane a good morning kiss.)
Brian: Good morning sexy and good morning to you Casey.
Casey and Shane: Good Morning!
(Brian then sits beside Shane and fixes his plate. Before they eat Shane says grace and they all dig in. Within thirty minutes the guys have finished and Brian and Casey are out the door. Shane gets ready to head to the office as he is planning something with the former president of the TAW. Brian and Casey arrive at the airport just in time to get on their plane. They arrive in Detroit a few hours later and are picked up by the same limousine service that took Jordan to his hotel. Meanwhile Shane is on a conference call with President Max Action of the UCW. Back in Detroit Brian and Casey have gotten settled into their rooms and meet up with Jordan for lunch.)
Jordan: It's about damn time. Where have you guys been?
Brian: We just got settled into our room and came straight here.
Jordan: Oh, I see! How was your flight up here?
Casey: It was long and tiresome. I am exhausted.
Brian: Not me. I am ready to eat and go train some. I am ready for my match against Rayne. What about you Jordan?
Jordan: Yeah, I am ready to go up against the LOD. Kasheryn, Viper, Archaleus, and myself are going to show those assholes that they do not need to mess with us. We are here to stay and we will not be ran off by a bunch of men who think they can just intimidate us. They are very sadly mistaken.
(They guys finish up their lunch and Jordan heads off to do some shopping. Brian and Casey decide to go and check out a car show at the civic center. Jordan arrives at the Abercrombie and Fitch outlet and begins his spree while Brian and Casey have arrived at the civic center to check out all the new cars that are expected to hit the roads next year. Four hours later Brian and Casey load up in the car and head to the hotel to relax and workout in the gym. Jordan has finished up his shopping spree at Abercrombie and Fitch and is now at the GAP outlet. He has spent over $600 so far and decides to stop there. He loads his car up with the items and heads to the hotel where he is supposed to meet Brian and Casey in the gym.
The guys' workout for three hours before calling it quits. Jordan gets to his room and takes a long hot bath. Casey and Brian both return to their rooms to enjoy a shower and then heads to bed. As Jordan is drying off and getting dressed the camera fades to black.)
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