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Jordan | home
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hell's Heat
![]() **The flight back to Lincoln, Nebraska was by far one of the smoothest flights Jordan has ever experienced when traveling back home. It may be because he was worn out due to all that has gone on the past few days or it could just simply be that the flight was just that smooth. Jordan arrived at the airport at 8:00 PM CST and went home by a car service that was waiting on him. Just as he got home he checked all thirty messages that was on his answering machine and just laid out on the couch and fell asleep.
The next day was going to be just as busy as the past week has been. He has now got to get prepared for the match he has this Sunday night at the AWF PPV, Hells Heat. He will be facing Dark Wolf for the first time and this match is going to be by far one of the toughest he will face in his career. It is not because he isn't capable of taking on Dark Wolf but because he is so tired and unprepared for this match. Jordan woke up around 10:00 AM CST and got went for a morning run, one of those runs that Brian usually does in the mornings. When he got back home he went into his gym and worked out even more. He has got to be prepared for this match physically and mentally.
Back in Jasper, Alabama Brian is packing up his belongings so he can go back to his house in Columbus, Georgia. That is where he will call home from now on. Brian loads all of his stuff in the Suburban and walks through the house one last time. He doesn't know what the future holds for the house of Shane Capps but he is sure that it will remain in the family of Jordan Grisham or even within the Vortex Enterprises. That has yet to be decided. On his last walk through the house memories begin to flood through his mind and he decides that it is now time to leave. Leave and never look back. He must now try to move on with his life and remember all of the great times that Brian and Shane had together. Brian sets the alarm and walks out the door. He gets into his Suburban and begins his journey back home. It has been several months since he has been to his home in Columbus and he is looking forward to it. He knows that it has been very well taken care of due to all of the staff that he has for that mansion. As he travels west on Highway 78 he decides to give Jordan a call to see how he is doing.**
Jordan: Hello?
Brian: Hey man! What's going on?
Jordan: Not much at all. Just trying to get physically and mentally fit for my match this weekend against Dark Wolf.
Brian: Jordan, don't over do it. You have went through a lot this past week and you shouldn't push yourself too much. Just take it easy. Promise me you will do that.
Jordan: That is easy for you to say since you are no longer wrestling. But I will tell you this, I will not overdo it. I will not push myself to hard and to be honest this is probably all the working out I am going to do other than my morning runs that I picked up from you.
Brian: Just as long as you do overdo it. How is the house and all up there?
Jordan: Everything up here couldn't be better. I am going to have the entire family over and I would like for you to be here if you can.
Brian: When are you planning this little family get together?
Jordan: In about a week and a half. It will be on the weekend. Most likely on a Saturday. Do you think you can make it?
Brian: So far it looks possible. But I am not sure what might come up between now and then. So if I for some reason don't show up don't get pissed.
Jordan: Just as long as you call and let me know that you are not going to make it. That is the least you can do. Do you think you can handle that?
Brian: Yes Jordan. Well, I'll talk with you later. Try not to wor…..
**Jordan hangs up without letting Brian finish his sentence. Brian just throws the phone over into the passenger seat and continues down highway 78. He has now arrived into Birmingham. He is only a few minutes away from the interstate and then it will be a clear shot to Montgomery where he will then travel to Columbus.
In Lincoln, Jordan has started packing his bags and getting ready to travel off to Baltimore, Maryland for Sunday nights AWF PPV. He finishes his shower and gets dressed so that he can load the Envoy for his drive over to Baltimore. As he is loading up his Envoy a 2002 Lincoln Navigator pulls up into his driveway. He looks at the SUV but doesn't recognize it. He doesn't know of anyone that drives a Navigator. The SUV pulls up behind Jordan's Altima. Minutes later out steps this 5'9”, blonde hair, blue/green eyes, very well built man. He walks over to Jordan and introduces himself.**
Man: I am looking for a Mr. Jordan Grisham.
Jordan: May I ask you are first off?
Man: Are you Mr. Grisham? If so, I will tell you my name if not then I will keep searching.
Jordan: Yes, I am Jordan Grisham. Now, what can I do for you?
Man: I would like for you to get me a job at the Anarchist Wrestling Federation. I am an semi-experienced wrestler and I feel as though the AWF needs someone like me to spice things up around there. It looks as though things could stand to be spiced up some with a little controversy to go along with it.
Jordan: Yeah, ok, now exactly who are you?
Man: My name is Gavin Phyr. I will be in town for the next few days so as soon as you can let me know something I would greatly appreciate it. I have submitted my application to the Public Relations Department at Vortex Enterprises. But I am hoping that in speaking with you, you will be able to push my contract further along and get me in a match at the next card.
Jordan: Well, I can assure you that you will have a job at the Anarchist Wrestling Federation because we do not turn anyone away. We are not that huge yet to just turn people away. But I can speak with the Board of Directors and have you in a match at the next car. In fact, I would like to discuss something with you about our upcoming PPV this Sunday. Why don't you come into my house and give you the details. This is sure to be worth your while and to get things a little stirred up in the AWF.
Gavin: Sounds great! I can't wait to hear what you have to say. I am almost sure that this is going to be the start of a wonderful career.
**Jordan and Gavin walk into the house where Jordan shows him the study. They take a seat at a desk and begin discussing the idea that Jordan had in mind. Not only would this piss off a few of the AWF wrestlers but this might just piss off some of the staff. This is exactly what Jordan wanted to do and this is what Gavin had in mind when coming into the AWF. This idea worked out perfectly for the both of them. Now they just have to plan it out strategically. Make sure all the t's are crossed and the i's are dotted. After a couple of hours of discussion Jordan realizes the time.**
Jordan: Oh hell, look at the time. I have got to get the rest of my stuff together and get on the road. I have got to drive to Baltimore for the PPV this weekend. Interested in traveling with me?
Gavin: Well, if you like I can drive us there. I have got all of my stuff packed up in the Navigator.
Jordan: You know, that does sound like a plan. I am quite tired anyways from my flight up here and all the light working out I have been doing. So, if you don't mind that works for me.
Gavin: No problem here. I will help you load up the Navigator and we will head out.
**Jordan and Gavin begin to unload what was loaded into Jordan's Envoy. They get the last of the luggage out of the house and Jordan secures the house by setting the alarm. They journey with the AWF's newest wrestler now begins with Jordan at his side. They start down the driveway and make a left towards their destination. In a matter of hours they will arrive in Baltimore where Jordan will take on Dark Wolf and where Gavin will make his presence known for everyone in the AWF.**
**Gavin and Jordan are now seen arriving at the hotel in which Jordan reserved a room. He didn't realize he would have company and there were no more rooms available within a fifty-mile radius. Jordan then decided that the only thing to do was allow Gavin to stay with him. He didn't know who this person was nor did he know anything about him but he was going to let him stay with him. However, it was now time to get to know one another. If they are going to work in the same fed and sleep in the same hotel room then the least that Jordan could do was get to know this stranger.**
Jordan: So, Gavin, tell me a little more about you. I hardly know you and I have traveled with you for hundreds of miles and here you are staying in the same room with me tonight. You don't have to share anything personal with me. Just the basic information that someone needs to know.
Gavin: That is no problem. I completely understand. I am an open book so anything you ask me you can expect an answer. It might not be the answer you want but it is the truth. First off, I am from Cambridge, South Carolina. My parents are very well off. I am not going to give you the story where I was one of seven children and my parents were very poor. Because that is bullshit. I am one of three children and my parents are very well respected. I had it easy and I know that while I am in the AWF things are not just going to be given to me. I am a very fierce competitor and I believe that the AWF is seriously in need of someone like me.
Jordan: I can assure you that you will have a job at the AWF. However, things over at the AWF don't look to promising for a new wrestler. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised one bit if the AWF closed its doors. All of the wrestlers in the Anarchist Wrestling Federation expect things to be handed to them. They don't want to work for their titles or shots for titles. That is what makes me sick about this federation sometimes. I have been contemplating on leaving the AWF but I have been here since the beginning of my career and I can't see myself leaving.
Gavin: Are things really that bad? I am seriously having second thoughts about joining then. I need a federation that is going to be fun, exciting, and one that will offer some storylines worth working with. Not one where the wrestlers are not going to work for a chance to obtain titles or even win matches.
Jordan: Gavin, if I were you, I would go ahead and join the AWF. Maybe, just maybe, if we have you in the AWF things might begin to change. I doubt it but you never know.
Gavin: Ok man! I will go ahead and submit a contract to the Anarchist Wrestling Federation but I seriously hope that things will begin to change around there.
Jordan: Ok, that has got that settled. I am very eager for you to make your debut into the federation. I know that things are really going to get shaken up just a little once we go through with our plan. Rayne, The Phantom Lord, and all of the AWF will not know what hit them. This is going to be great. I can already see the headlines at The Vortex now. Hell, Sunday needs to hurry up and get here. This waiting is going to kill me.
Gavin: Calm down man! It will be here sooner than you think.
**Gavin and Jordan exit the hotel room to go and get something to eat. They have decided just to go through a drive thru to get something to eat since they don't really want to sit in a restaurant. They pull up to the drive thru at Burger King and Gavin begins to place the order.**
BK Employee: Welcome to Burger King. Would you like to try one of our value you meals this evening?
Gavin: No thanks. I would like two-eight piece chicken tenders, king size fry, and a king size Mello Yello. I would also like a double-cheeseburger meal king sized with fries and Mello Yello to drink. Hold the pickles on that also.
BK Employee: Will that be all for you?
Gavin: Yes.
BK Employee: That will be $12.78 please pull around to the first window.
**Gavin pulls forward to the first window where he is met by a Burger King Employee.**
BK Cashier: $12.78 please.
**Gavin gives the cashier a twenty dollar bill and the cashier gives him his change. The cashier then instructs Gavin to pull up to the next window for their food. Gavin pulls up to the next window where he met by another Burger King employee. The teenage girl hands Gavin the drinks and the food.**
BK Employee: Thank you and have a nice evening.
Gavin: Thanks, you too!
**Gavin then proceeds to exit the Burger King parking lot and heads back towards the hotel. Jordan checks the order just to be sure it was correct and much to their surprise it was. They get back to the hotel and decide to eat their food outside under the stars. Jordan takes all of the food out of the bag and places it on the table. They begin to dig in as this will be the most expensive meal they will eat on this trip. NOT!!! Most likely the cheapest meal they will eat on this trip. They finish their meal about twenty minutest later and begin to clean their mess up.**
Jordan: Well, I believe I am going to head on to bed now. I am tired and worn out from this trip. I have a busy day tomorrow also. Got to get ready for my match against Dark Wolf. He might as well not even show up for the match. Hell, someone of his type doesn't stand a chance against me. But anyways, I will talk with you in the morning.
Gavin: Alright man! Are you going to cut a promo tomorrow?
Jordan: Oh yeah! You can count on that one. Dark Wolf has yet to show his face and I seriously doubt he will. But you never know with these crazy ass wrestlers in the AWF.
Gavin: Do you mind if I sit in on your promo. I want to see how you guys here in the AWF do things.
Jordan: Hey, that is no problem with me. I will most likely shoot the promo around 11:00 AM CST. Just to get an early start on things. I will also be going for a morning run if you want to join me on that too. Entirely up to you though.
Gavin: Sure thing.
Jordan: Ok, I am going to head to bed now. See you in the morning.
**Jordan heads up to the room where Gavin stays behind. He looks up into the stars and just lies back to enjoy the view. He then thinks to himself.**
~Jordan, you poor pathetic fool. You just think that I am here to enter this federation. I will take over this federation before it is all said and done and I will use you to do it. This is going to be the greatest accomplishment of mine yet.~
**Gavin then gets up from the picnic table and walks up to the room. When he enters he notices that Jordan has already went to sleep. Gavin then walks into the bathroom and unzips his pants to piss. When he finishes he walks back into the living room and sits on the couch. He turns the TV on and scans through the channels to see what is on. He stretches out onto the couch and eventually falls asleep.**
**The clock reads 5:00 AM and the alarm goes off. Jordan however is already up and ready for his run. He walks into the living room where Gavin has slept on the couch all night long. He begins to shake Gavin to see if he will be joining him on his run.**
Jordan: Hey Gavin, you going for the morning run with me?
Gavin: Huh? What?
Jordan: I said, are you going to run with me this morning?
Gavin: Yeah, sure. Just let me get up and get dressed.
**Gavin uncovers his nude body with Jordan standing right in front of him.**
Jordan: Whoa! Maybe I should give you some privacy so you can get dressed.
Gavin: Whatever man. It's not like you haven't seen another mans dick before. Hell, I am sure that you have played with a few of them. If you know what I mean. But whatever if you want man.
**Jordan walks out of the hotel room and five minutes later he is joined by Gavin.**
Gavin: Sorry if I made you uncomfortable in there. But I sleep in the nude and I really hate to wear clothing. So, again, I do apologize for making you uncomfortable.
Jordan: No problem but you could have warned me you know. Let's go before it starts to get too hot.
**Gavin and Jordan start out on their five mile run and it is starting to heat up already. But this doesn't bother either one of them because they are used to hard strenuous exercises. I mean they are wrestlers in the AWF and they have been put through some of the most intense training that any wrestling federation has ever seen. When Randy Jacks made the AWF he said to himself that he would only accept the best. But when push came to shove that fell through the cracks. Because now the AWF could be facing closure. All because the wrestlers in the AWF seem to have issues with the workload they have to endure. It's sad really.
Jordan and Gavin return back from their run. Jordan heads up to the room but Gavin stays behind to get something out of his Lincoln Navigator. Jordan gets up to the room and strips his clothes off to take a shower. Meanwhile back outside Gavin is talking on his cell phone with an unidentified man.**
Man: How are things going with our little mission?
Gavin: I have got Jordan right where I want him. This is going to be like taking candy from a baby. This is entirely too easy. He is just way too trusting of strangers and that is going to really hurt him in the end. But whatever gets the job done.
Man: That's right. Just remember to keep your eye on the prize. You will be rewarded handsomely for your work in this matter. That you can be certain of. Call me back later to update me on how things are going.
Gavin: You got it.
**Gavin walks up to the room where Jordan is just getting out of the shower. He doesn't notice that Gavin has entered the room and walks through the living room to grab his bag. Gavin is standing behind a wall in the kitchen where Jordan can't see him. Jordan then walks back into the bathroom to finish getting ready. Gavin walks into the living room where his bag is placed and takes out a pair of boxers so that he can also take a shower. He walks to the bathroom but the door is closed. So he then knocks on it.**
Gavin: Hey Jordan, you mind if I go ahead and get a shower?
Jordan: That is no problem if you don't mind me getting ready.
**Gavin walks into the bathroom but Jordan has already put his boxers on and has shaving cream on his face. Gavin turns the water on to get it to its right temperature. He then begins to undress but Jordan finds this uncomfortable and walks out of the bathroom with shaving cream on his face. Gavin just looks back and smiles. Gavin then jumps into the shower. Jordan goes to the bedroom where he finishes shaving. Jordan then goes back into the bathroom but Gavin has exited the shower. Just as Jordan opens the door Gavin is standing butt naked. Jordan grabs his clothes and walks back into the bedroom to get dressed. Gavin puts on his boxers and walks out of the bathroom into the living room where his clothes are. He gets dressed and they both are out the door to meet the AWF camera crew that will be shooting the promo for Jordan. They will be meeting the AWF camera crew in New York for this promo shoot. Vortex Enterprises has provided a helicopter for Jordan to travel to New York for this special occasion. When Gavin and Jordan arrive at the airport they travel over to the heliport where the pilot and other crewman.
The step up into the helicopter and a few hours later they arrive in New York. Jordan has decided to shoot this promo where the World Trade Centers once stood. This is going to be emotional yet controversial for wrestlers in the AWF and the staff. They arrive at the scene of one of the most heinous crimes that the American people have ever seen. Jordan gets out of the van and walks over to the AWF camera crew. The crew has finished setting up and Jordan walks over to where tower one once stood.**
Jordan: The Anarchist Wrestler Federation. What can I say about this federation? Only that this federation really needs to undergo some changes or they will end up losing all of their superstars. To the point of why I am here. All around me you see that there is nothing here but an empty block. Before September 11th two of the most magnificent towers that you could have ever imagined was here. Now nothing is here. Nothing but rocks and dirt. How is it that you can go from being on top of the game to being the victim of such terrorism?
The United States Government was not on their toes when this attack took place. They had several warnings and they did nothing about them. Now we are here in New York to see that the World Trade Centers are no longer here. The towers showed how rich and powerful the American people are and this just pissed off the Anti-Americans and this is what they had to say about it.
Now this is what I have to say about the Anarchist Wrestling Federation and about my opponent on Sunday night. Things have seriously got to change around here Mr. Jacks. If not you will have nothing to show for it except a failed wrestling federation. Just look at the DMCW. It has opened and closed three or four times now and that is going to be you in just a short time. I mean Mark McGowen did an ok job with the DMCW but it just never got off the ground like it did. Somehow the AWF has shown that they are capable of handling anything that comes at them. Then again if you think about it, its not the owners or president taking care of this shit but yet the little people behind the scenes. This I find quite frustrating because they get no credit. They do not get acknowledged for their hard work and dedication into this federation. I will see to it that everyone is acknowledged in some way because I am half owner of this fucking enterprise and I will make my presence known. That is one thing that Mr. Randy Jacks can be sure of.
Then the person in charge of the card puts me with the laziest wrestler in the entire AWF, Dark Wolf. I can win this match with my eyes closed. Hell, I could even win this match with one hand tied behind my back because Dark Wolf is one of those wrestlers that expects things to be handed to him. Just like every other wrestler in this fucking federation. The only thing that will be handed to you Dark Wolf is your ass on a platter. I will be serving up one hell of a menu Sunday night and you are the main course. For dessert I will take on Randy Jacks for The Vortex and I will prevail or all hell will break loose. Dark Wolf, come prepared for Sunday night because you are going to need your momma there to give you some titty after I kick your ass. A new era is coming and this is the one that nobody will be able to stop. Not even the half owner, Randy Jacks, will be able to take control of this situation.
Also Dark Wolf I notice that on some of your promos that you have cut they are really not worth the time you put in them. If I couldn't do a better job than that I would be visiting RPU. That goes for The Phantom Lord, Slayer, Goat, Archaleus, and anyone else in the Anarchist Wrestling Federation that seems to have issues with promos. I know I am not the best person out there but the I have surpassed everyone out there on The Vortex Top 25 except for my arch nemesis, Rayne. That is ok though because he will become a thing of the past when I knock him off his pedestal. Dark Wolf take a look at The Vortex Top 10 because it is apparent that you will never make it there unless you change your ways and fast. If you have a problem with me contact the person in charge of the cards at the AWF and schedule a match. I'll be seeing you in the ring, Dark Wolf.
**Jordan looks around at the site of destruction that was once here and walks away. Gavin walks up to Jordan and tells him that he did a great job on his promo. Both men then get into the van and heads back toward the airport. The helicopter is gassed up and ready to take off. A few hours later they arrive back in Baltimore only to go back to the hotel where Jordan will finish the rest of the day working out in the gym. Gavin on the other hand has some stuff that he has got to take care of. Gavin drops Jordan off at the hotel and takes off to the Lincoln dealership where he will get an oil change and other automobile maintenance. Before Gavin arrives at the Lincoln dealership he gets on the cell phone to make a very important phone call.**
Man: So Gavin, how was the promo?
Gavin: Pretty damn good if you ask me. His ass went all the way to New York to shoot the fucking thing but I have to admit that it was good.
Man: Do you think you are capable of handling this job?
Gavin: Hell yeah! I will have this completed within the time frame you are wanting. That is a promise. I am getting Jordan right where I want him and I will eventually work my way up the ladder some more. If you know what I mean.
Man: Great! Jordan will not know what it his Ivy League ass. I have got to get out of here so I will talk with you later.
Gavin: Alright man! Take it easy and I will give you a call after the PPV. That is where I will be making my presence felt. Things are about to really heat up at Hell's Heat here in Baltimore.
**Gavin hangs up the cell phone as he arrives at the Lincoln dealership. The cameras then faded to black as the shop mechanic pulls the Navigator back into the shop for its regularly scheduled maintenance.**
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