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Jordan | home
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A Mind Blowing Experience
![]() A Mind Blowing Experience
July 29, 2002
Part I
**The day after the PPV Jordan has arrived back in Lincoln, Nebraska but he is one person short. Gavin decided to go and visit family so Jordan had to fly back home yet again. The flight home this time was a little rougher than he had wanted. Jordan makes it back to his house and begins to work around the yard. While doing this he is thinking of his match that he lost against Dark Wolf at the AWF PPV, Hell's Heat. Jordan then begins to think to himself.**
~How in the hell is it that I can lose my match against Dark Wolf? That son of a bitch will pay for what he has done and so will the rest of the Anarchist Wrestling Federation. If it is all out war then that is exactly they will get. Oh this is going to be great. How in the hell does Dark Wolf think he will get out of this one? He may have people in high places but that is nothing compared to what I have in store for his sorry ass. Not only will I be after Dark Wolf but the rest of the Anarchist Wrestling Federation will feel the pain of Jordan Grisham.~
**Jordan cuts the greenery around his house and is so frustrated the he actually cuts them too much. So he will have to cut them down and replant something else in its place. He decides that he can't continue to do this so he must go in and do something other than destroy the rest of his outside landscaping work. Jordan walks into the house and goes into the gym. He tries to work out but just the though of him losing his match angers him even more. He must now seek revenge on the person(s) responsible for this. Out of pure rage Jordan storms out of the house and gets into his GMC Envoy and heads to the first person he will seek revenge against.**
~You fucking asshole. You are the reason that I lost my match and it is you that I will go after first. I will not be made a fool of and you did just that. You made me the laughing stock in the entire AWF. I will not stand for that and you can rest assured Dark Wolf that this is not over by a long shot. You can count on that!~
**Jordan drives his way to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The home town of the wrestler that put Jordan out of his misery, Dark Wolf. Hours later he arrives in Philadelphia and locates the house of Dark Wolf. Nobody has gotten home yet because they are still in Baltimore celebrating his victory over Jordan. Jordan pulls up into the driveway and turns the ignition off to his Envoy. He cuts the power off to the house and enters in through a window in the back. The house is large with a bunch of hanging flower plants on the front porch, which covers the entire front of the house. Jordan walks through the house looking for what he believes should be his mark against Dark Wolf. He doesn't want to steal or damage anything in the house and he did put gloves on before breaking in the house. There is not much that he can do inside the house. Jordan takes some lipstick that was on the vanity and begins to write a message on the mirror that is in the bathroom. The message reads: `You will be my first casualty of war Dark Fucking Wolf.'
Jordan then exits the house slowly and carefully making sure not to break anything. He exits out the window and gets back into his Envoy. He backs out of the driveway and proceeds to the next mark. This time he will be heading to Destin, Florida. The home town of the half-owner and business partner of Jordan Grisham, Randy Jacks. Jordan will be spending several hours on the road this week as he makes his rounds and makes sure that everyone out there knows that he will be making sure that they know who they are messing with. Several, and I do mean several hours later Jordan arrives in Destin, Florida. He drives around for an hour before he finally finds the home of Randy Jacks. He notices that there are cars parked in the circle driveway and decides not to make his move just yet. He must wait around until everyone leaves the house. However, Jordan thinks of yet another idea to seek revenge on Mr. Jacks. He decides to send some chocolate candies and a card. He will say that it is from Paige Phillips, Vortex Enterprises Public Relations and Spokeswoman for Vortex Enterprises. He purchases a box of candies and takes them to a hotel room where he will then lace them with penicillin. Just as he finishes this he goes to a flower shop and orders a spring flower arrangement. He tells the cashier that he wants the box of candies to go with it and the card to read:
“Thanks for having me aboard! I really appreciate everything that you have done for me. As a token of my appreciation please accept the chocolate candies and the flowers that I have sent for you. If you ever need anything, anything at all please call me.
Yours truly,
Paige Phillips"
The cashier takes the cash from Jordan and lets him know that it will be delivered within the next hour. Jordan walks out of the gift shop with the biggest smirk on his face.**
~Randy, you fuck with me you end up getting fucked. How does that feel?~
**Jordan gets into his Envoy and heads to Jasper, Alabama. The home town of Archaleus, Vortex Enterprises, The Vortex, and The Vortex Hall of Fame. As Jordan is passing through Montgomery, Alabama the music cuts off and a man begins to speak.**
News Anchor: We interrupt this broadcast to bring you breaking news out of Destin, Florida. It appears as though that Randy Jacks, half owner of the Vortex Enterprises has been rushed to a local hospital due to an allergic reaction. Officials would not comment on what his reaction was to but long time girlfriend of Randy Jacks stated that he was eating some chocolate candy when all of a sudden he collapsed in the floor and started having seizures. Paramedics were on the scene within five minutes of the call and the Destin police have launched a full investigation into the matter. They have not stated whether or not this is accidental or whether or not foul play was involved. We will have more on Randy Jack's condition within the next hour. Stay tuned to 103.7 the Q for all your news updates.
~Oh hell yeah! That is what you get for messing with me Randy. You know, it would have been much easier if you would have just given me what I wanted and that would have been it. But no, you had to play hardball and well, it appears as though you have one strike against you.~
**Jordan then decides to go to the home of Viper since he does live in Tampa, Florida. Here he will try and convince his on again/off again girlfriend that he is cheating on her. Jordan has put a few pictures together on his laptop and prints them out on his little printer. This should be convincing enough. Pictures are worth a thousand words! He arrives at the home of Viper and much to his surprise there is a car in the driveway. Jordan walks up to the door and drops the pictures on the doorstep. He rings the doorbell and runs for his Envoy. Cindy walks outside to see the brown envelope lying on her doorstep. She begins to open the envelope and the first picture she sees is Viper kissing another woman. Without hesitation she puts the pictures back into the envelope and runs into the house crying. Jordan sees that his mission here has been accomplished. It is now time for him to get some sleep. He pulls up to the Embassy Suites and gets a room. When he enters his room he lies on the bed and just as his head hits the pillow he falls asleep.**
A Mind Blowing Experience
July 30, 2002
Part II
**The next day comes just as fast as it ended. Jordan turns on the television to see that they have an entire ten-minute segment dedicated to the Vortex. They first report on Randy's condition stating that he will be ok and that no major harm has been done to him. They also report that foul play was involved in the attack against Mr. Jacks. They have on suspect and this person is trying to be located so that they can be questioned. Jordan turns the television off and walks out the door. He checks out at the front desk and gets into his Envoy to head to Jasper, Alabama. Here he will talk with the parents of Archaleus to cause some family issues and then he will head back to the house.
Seven hours later Jordan arrives in Jasper, Alabama. He knows that Archaleus will not be home yet because he will be celebrating his victory over Gavin Payne. Everyone within his little group won their match except for Jordan.**
~I will not be made a fool of Archaleus and Viper. Both of you will be the next victims on my list. Hell, I believe that everyone made it on this list that is a wrestler in the AWF. But how could you not make the list? That is clearly ok though. I will have my revenge and it will be well worth the wait.~
**Jordan drives at the home of Archaleus's parents. He gets out of his Envoy and walks up to the door. He begins to knock on the door and Archaleus's mother opens the door.**
Archaleus's Mom: Yes, how can I help you young man?
Jordan: I am looking for the parents of Archaleus. I am a reporter with the Daily Mountain Eagle and we are doing a story on him. We just need to get a quick comment from you and your husband if you don't mind.
Archaleus's Mom: Sure, that will not be a problem at all. However, my husband is not here so you will have to take my comment. Is that ok?
Jordan: Most certainly. By the way, my name is Steven Harris. I would just like to get your comment on your son's lifestyle. We understand that he is engaged to be married but we also have been told that he is secretly seeing someone else behind Emily's back.
Archaleus's Mom: I don't think so. My son would never cheat on Emily. He loves her entirely too much. He would never do anything to jeopardize his relationship with her.
Jordan: According to our reports he has been seeing someone by the name of Brian Kinney. They have been in a sexual relationship for quite sometime now.
Archaleus's Mom: Excuse me! But you must have my son confused with someone else because he is not gay nor has he ever had the thought of being with another man. I think that it is best that you leave right now.
Jordan: I am sorry to upset you but we would like to get the families comments on this subject. We know that it is shocking to hear but no matter what you should love your son even if he is gay or not. This could just be something he is going through just to be sure of himself. But again I do apologize for upsetting you.
Archaleus's Mom: Thank you now would you please leave. I would also like it if you didn't show your face back at my house. Goodbye!
**Archaleus's mom slams the door as Jordan walks out. Jordan then proceeds to his Envoy with yet another smirk on his face. Things are going pretty good for him so far. He has broken into the home of Dark Wolf and left his sweet little message. He then traveled to Destin, Florida where he laced chocolate candies with penicillin for Randy Jacks. He then proceeded to the home of Viper where he hopefully destroyed his relationship with Cindy. Things could not be going better for Jordan. He has planned everything to a tee and he is very hopeful that he doesn't get caught in these little “missions.” As Jordan is driving his way back up to Lincoln, Nebraska he hears over the radio that Paige Phillips has been arrested. The charges have not been made public just yet but they did state that it was in crime was associated with the attack of Randy Jacks.
Jordan just smiles but realizes that he will have every wrestler in the entire AWF after him before it is all said and done. He will defend himself but will it be enough? He will make some of the most toughest wrestlers in the AWF very pissed off and they will seek revenge. However, he isn't worried about that because he will not get caught! Jordan finally makes it back home and pulls into the garage. He shuts the garage doors and walks inside where he takes a seat on the couch. It doesn't take long for Jordan to fall asleep and he does just that. A couple of hours later he wakes up and walks upstairs to his bedroom. He grabs his boxers and a white t-shirt and takes a shower. When he gets out he gets dressed and walks out the door. He gets into his 2002 Nissan Altima and heads towards town. Jordan is still in the phase of questioning himself and really hasn't decided which way he wants to go. Jordan arrives in downtown Lincoln and everyone is out riding around. It is mostly teens but hell, he is still young and can get out with the rest of them. He stays out for a few hours and then returns home to meet with his attorney.**
Jordan: Hey Victoria! How are you doing this evening?
Victoria: Pretty good, how about you?
Jordan: Just sticking around the house. You know I lost my match Sunday night against that stupid ass Dark Wolf. It has really just about drove me crazy. But I will eventually get over it when I have a rematch. I will not be made a fool of and he did just that.
Victoria: Sorry to hear that Jordan. Are you ready to get down to business?
Jordan: You damn straight I am. I am ready for this more than you can imagine.
**Jordan and Victoria walk into the study where she takes out some legal documents from her briefcase. The take a seat at the desk and she begins to point out the places where he needs to sign. He signs in every spot to make this deal signed, sealed, and soon to be delivered. How will Mr. Randy Jacks react to this little surprise when he receive his papers? Victoria then gets up from the desk and places the papers back into her briefcase. She walks back over to the desk and looks at Jordan.**
Victoria: Mr. Jacks should receive his copy of the papers in about a day. I am grateful that you have chosen me to be your attorney. I am just out of law school and not many people will pick an attorney they doesn't have very much experience.
Jordan: Don't worry about it Victoria. You are going to do great. I can see that already. That is why I chose you over all of the other attorneys here in Lincoln. You just be sure to do your job correctly and there won't be any problems.
Victoria: Yes sir! You got it. Again, thanks for the opportunity to represent you in all of your future cases. I need to get going now. I have to meet my boyfriend for dinner in town. Have a good evening and I will talk with you later.
Jordan: Alright! You and your boyfriend have a good dinner.
**Victoria walks out the side door and gets into her car. She drives down the driveway and heads into town. Jordan sticks around the house as usual. He walks into the study where his computer is and gets online to see what is going on. However, there is not very much going on at all. So he takes the tape from Dark Wolf's last promo and watches it again. The mere sight of Dark Wolf just irritates the hell out of Jordan but he has to work with him so what else can he do?**
Jordan: So, I have my head stuck so far up my ass that it is ridiculous? And quite frankly Dark Wolf it is none of your fucking business where my promo's are shot. You are the mere spectator and you are there to watch. If you don't like it then get the hell out of here. Otherwise shut the hell up. Another thing there Dark Wolf, I need not grow up. If anyone around this federation needs to grow up it would most certainly be you. You may be a former seven time World Champion but you are not anymore. It is time you face reality and wake up. You are in the AWF where you will not prevail with that worthless shit you call wrestling. You and I will meet again Dark Wolf and you can count on that. It might not be this week or next week but it will be very soon. I came into the Anarchist Wrestling Federation not knowing anything about wrestling and I have improved a great deal. You might not like the productions that come out that are by me but you better damn well read them because you never know what I am going to do next.
I sit here at my house still thinking of that match we had Sunday and I must admit to you that you made the biggest fool out of me. That I grant you but it will be the last time. I have tried so hard to develop myself in the AWF and I have to admit that I have done a damn good job. You also say that you don't give a damn about what I say or what anyone else says but if that were true you would have left it alone instead of throwing out that garbage that you cut Saturday night. Your time is coming as well as the rest of those little peeps in the Anarchist Wrestling Federation.
While I am thinking about it I would also like to withdraw my name from the Youth of the Nation. I don't need to be in any damn stable and quite frankly if you have a problem with that you can kiss my ass. So, Viper and Archaleus start looking for two new faces to replace myself and Tyger. You will not be able to find anyone with the talent that me and Tyger had so good luck! As for the entire situation with the Vortex Enterprises I have taken care of that as well. For Mr. Jacks you will receive your surprise from my attorney very soon. Don't be surprised by it one bit because you know this has been coming for quite sometime now. Things are really about to explode in the AWF and will you be prepared for such an event? Can you handle everything that will be going on? Because I know I can and I know I will. Everyone in this federation will not be able to handle everything. Some will quit and run away while the others will just hide. We will have a few to stick it out but will they be the ones to really take care of things? It has also been said that Rayne is joining the PCW. If the staff of the AWF was doing what they were supposed to do we wouldn't be losing out best damn wrestlers to a new fed. But oh hell no! The damn staff had to have it their way and look where it has gotten them. There was once twenty-three wrestlers on the roster and now there are only half that number if not a little more. It is quite sad really. But all is fair and well. The AWF will have the opportunity to go up against me head to head. That you can count on!
**Jordan walks into the kitchen and fixes him a sandwich. He has quite the evening and quite the few days. When he finishes his sandwich he heads upstairs to go to bed. Tomorrow he will have yet another busy day but that is not to say he won't have time for the AWF. In fact, he is looking forward to getting down to business. Things will really begin to heat up at the Vortex Enterprises and all of its subsidiaries within the next few days.**
A Mind Blowing Experience
July 31, 2002
Part III
**Wednesday morning has arrived and Jordan wakes up from his deep sleep. He is getting tired of waking up alone with nobody beside him. He has got to do something about this but this bring him back to yet another important question in his life. What road will he take now that he is at the fork in the road? Will he join The Phantom Lord now that he is the only one on the other side or will he be like all of the other wrestlers in the AWF and be a male chauvinistic pig? Because it is apparent that all straight men seem to have problems in relationships but then again so do gay men. Just look at Brian and Shane. They had their problems but they did get over it. So who is to say that all men are the same? How will things go for Jordan as he questions himself and his sexuality? Jordan walks downstairs to an empty ass house and turns on the television. There is not much on the television so he just turns it off.**
~I wonder what ever happened to that damn ole Gavin Phyr. He came up here and begged me to get him aboard the AWF and I have yet to hear from him. Hope that everything is ok and if not may God have mercy on his soul.~
**Jordan walks outside and begins to cut the grass with his riding lawnmower. The grass is not all that high but he has nothing to do at all. He finishes the grass and decides to go for a swim in the pool. He goes into the pool house and changes into his swimming shorts. He walks out and dives into the pool. For the rest of the afternoon this is where Jordan remains. Floating atop the water working on his tan. The days are becoming long and boring but he is the owner of Vortex Enterprises. Maybe it is time for him to get out and do some managerial stuff. He does have the power to do such and he just might take advantage of it. But for the rest of the day Jordan lounges around in the pool chilling and taking it easy. He couldn't ask for a better day to swim and work on his tan. After three hours in the pool he has to go in and review the Jay Jay promo that was shot earlier this week. Jordan gets comfortable in the home theatre and plays the tape.**
Jordan: What the fuck are you talking about Jay Jay? Titles? Barbed wire? Triple H? Not sure where you are at during this shoot but obviously you have your jobs mixed up with some other place. First of all you are not the Hardcore title hold in the AWF. Last I checked you just rejoined us from your little vacation. Secondly, Triple H? Never heard of that wrestler here in the AWF. Are you fantasizing again? Is it because you want to be like Triple H? Do you have your priorities straight because I am thinking that you are seriously fucked up in the head and you might want to seek psychiatric help immediately. Then again you may have forgotten to take your Prozac.
I will tell you right now that I am one of the best wrestlers in the AWF. My match last week against Dark Wolf was ripped off by the staff of the AWF and had it not been for that I would have won. You are fucking with the wrong person Jay Jay. There is no way in hell you will be able to pull of this victory. I have seen what you are capable of in both the AWF and DMCW and from what I can see you haven't had many accomplishments at all. The only one was you beating Kasheryn and that was because Kasheryn never showed up. So where you get you beat him with barbed wire and shit is beyond me. Tuesday night will be by far your toughest match! You are facing a real competitor not one that won't show up for the match. If you thought you could pull this victory off with your getting the win because of me not showing you are mistaken. I have been to all matches and this one will be on the calendar as well.
As I notice your tapes it looks as though they have been doctored up. What dumb-ass did you go to rip this off? You might want to go and see if you can get a refund because you seriously got fucked. I am looking forward to this match Jay Jay. To get you in the ring and beat the shit out of you in front of all of “YOUR” fans is going to be one of the best days of my life. I mean you said that the reason the AWF soared to the charts was because of you. Last I checked you had nothing to do with it. You are just a person who is full of all talk with no action and that is what I am expecting Tuesday. So why humiliate yourself? If I were you I would just sit at home and chill out with some margaritas with your sluts. Because if you show you are going to wish you didn't . You have yet to be a victim of “The Ivy League Twist” and there will not be a way for you to escape it. Oh yeah, the announcers in the AWF are Simmons and Jameson. Thought you might want to get that right since you ripped off that last session of yours.
Jay Jay have you ever experienced a loss before? I mean have you really really ever experienced a loss before? A loss that could end your career, end your chances of ever becoming a husband, end your chance of becoming a father? Tell, me have you ever experienced a loss like that? If not, then Tuesday night could be that night for you. Come prepared little Jay Jay because Tuesday night is your final judgement before your maker!
**Jordan gets up from the couch and walks over to the DVD player. He takes the disc out and throws on the desk across the room. The phone then rings as Jordan is walking upstairs to get a shower. Jordan answers and it is Phillip.**
Jordan: Yeah, this is Jordan.
Phillip: (very upset) Can you please come and get me? I am begging you.
Jordan: (worried) What's going on Jordan? Where are your parents? Is everything ok?
Phillip: Please, just come and get me. I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't something serious.
Jordan: Ok Phillip. I will be there in fifteen minutes. Are you at your house?
Phillip: No, I am at the lake house. Please hurry before they find me. Please!!!
Jordan: Don't worry Phillip. I am on my way now. Don't do anything stupid.
**Phillip hangs the phone up and Jordan runs out the door with his swimming shorts and no shirt on. He gets into his 2002 Nissan Altima and pulls out of the driveway erratically. Ten minutes later he arrives at the lake house of the Beaumont's. Jordan pulls up into the driveway and blows the horn. Phillip runs out with a bag in his hand and has tears running down his face. He gets into the car and Jordan pulls out.**
Jordan: What in the hell is going on Phillip? Is everything ok? Why are you crying?
Phillip: I will explain everything to you later. Just take me to your house and if my parents call please don't tell them that I am with you.
Jordan: Alright Phillip but you are going to have to explain everything to me tonight. I have to know what is going on in order to help you. That is if I can help you.
Phillip: Don't worry Jordan. I promise you that I will tell you everything. But I'll do it tonight.
**Jordan pulls into his garage and Jordan and the young man get out of the car. Phillip goes in and Jordan shows him where the shower is. Phillip gets his shower and throws his clothes on. He then joins Jordan in the theatre where he is watching “The Fast and The Furious.” Phillip takes a seat across the room from Jordan and eventually falls asleep. Jordan is still left confused as to what is going on and hopes that he finds out tonight. If not he may have no choice but to call Mr. and Mrs. Beaumont. As the movie is going off Jordan walks into the kitchen to fix him something to eat. He takes a seat outside on the patio to enjoy the sunset and the view of the mountains. Just as Jordan gets up from his chair out walks Phillip and the camera fades to black.**
A Mind Blowing Experience
July 31, 2002
**Jordan and Phillip walk into the house where Phillip begins telling him everything that is going on with him right now.**
Phillip: Jordan, you must promise me that once I tell you this you will not get upset with me. You also have to promise me that no matter what happens you will not tell my parents where I am. I will call them when I am ready.
Jordan: I promise! But I can't lie to your parents. You are going to have to face them before to long. I am sure that this is nothing major. Just tell me what happened.
**Phillip takes a seat in the living room and begins telling his account of what happened.**
--Well, it was like any summer day. I was at home goofing off and playing around when Cole called. He is a friend of mine and we graduated from high school together last year.--
Cole: Do you mind if I come over and swim for a while?
Phillip: That's no problem. Come on over. My parents are out on business anyways so I am home alone. I'll talk to you when you get here.
--So we hang up and about a half an hour later Cole arrives at the house. He is already in his swimming shorts and right when he gets to the pool he takes his shoes and shirt off and dives right in. I run in the house and change into my swimming shorts where a few minutes later I dove into the pool to join Cole. I went in to get something to drink and when I returned Cole was about to dive off the diving board when all of a sudden he slipped and fell into the pool. I dived in to make sure that he was ok and naturally he was. He just scratched his leg up and had a cut on his forehead. To keep from getting blood all in the pool. So we got out and waked into the bathroom to get him cleaned and bandaged up.
After I get bandages put on his leg and forehead we go into by bedroom to play the Playstation®. We are playing NCAA Football 2002 and I am winning of course. He then begins to act funny. I know that he wants to say or ask me something but it is like he is scared or even terrified to. So, I begin talking to him.--
Phillip: So, how are things going with you Cole?
Cole: Things couldn't be better! I am going to start college in the winter and I am enjoying what is left of summer!
--So conversation is beginning to go really well. Then I notice that he begins to tense up some. He gets real nervous and just gets up and walks into the bathroom. This starts to make me a little irritated. I pause the game and get up from my chair. I walk to the bathroom and knock on the door.--
Phillip: Cole, is everything ok with you? You seem to be acting real funny.
--Then without notice Cole opens the bathroom door and kisses me right on the slips. I don't know how to respond except by pushing him away.--
Phillip: What in the hell are you doing? What was you thinking?
Cole: Phillip you have to know something about me and that one certain thing is that I am gay. You should also know that I have feelings for you. Feelings that I think are more than just friendship.
Phillip: What? When did you decide all of this? Are you ok?
Cole: I knew you would respond this way that is why I wasn't going to say anything. I knew that if I told you what was going you would close up and tell me that I was crazy and so far you have done just that. Maybe not in so many words but you have.
--I walk back in the bedroom and sit on the bed and a couple of minutes later Cole joins me. I don't know what to think because I really like Cole. He has been one of the best friends that I have had during high school. I had no idea that he was gay and I had no idea that he had feelings for me either. I didn't know what to say or how to respond to what just happened. I mean I haven't ever had feelings for other guys until that moment when he kissed me. It felt great but what was I thinking? So I then get up and Cole looks right at me.--
Cole: Phillip, I know that you are thrown off by what I have told you but I want you to know the truth about everything. I am sorry about the kiss but everything was building up inside and I didn't know how to respond to it all.
Phillip: Cole, it's ok.
**Jordan looks at Phillip with anticipation of what happens next but Phillip gets up to fix him something to drink. He returns back to the living room and sits across from Jordan to finish up his story of what happened.**
--Ok, so there I was standing up in front of him and him sitting on the bed. He then stood up in front of me and walked over and closed the bedroom door. I wasn't sure what he was doing or what he had planned but I knew he was about to do something. I turned around and he was standing right in front of me. He took his hand and gently touched my face. This sent chills up and down my body and I wasn't sure how to react.--
Phillip: Cole, what are you doing? We do not need to be doing this.
Cole: Relax and just go with it. You know you are just as much in to this as I am.
--Cole then kisses me on the lips and we continue in this deep passionate kiss for several minutes. We then move onto the bed and continue to make out. During this time I didn't realize that my parents had gotten home. We were still kissing away when my bedroom door opened and in walked my dad. He just got an eyeful of me and Cole kissing one another on the bed.--
Mr. Beaumont: What in the hell is going on here? Get the hell off of that bed and Cole you get out of this house. Phillip you get your ass downstairs right now.
--Then dad walks over to Cole and gives him one of the dirtiest looks that you could ever imagine. Cole runs out the door upset of course and I walk downstairs where I will be interrogated. Dad walks into the study where mom is on the internet booking their flight to England.--
Mr. Beaumont: Honey, it's a damn good thing you are sitting down because I just caught our son making out upstairs in his room.
Mrs. Beaumont: I didn't eve know he had a girlfriend. What did you do?
Mr. Beaumont: He doesn't have a girlfriend. He was making out with Cole and I sent Mr. Cole on his happy little way home and Phillip is sitting in the living room.
Mrs. Beaumont: Excuse me? Our son is not gay. I believe you were mistaken when you sent up there. You have to be. There is no way in hell our son is gay. Do you understand me?
Mr. Beaumont: I know what I saw and I saw Cole and Phillip kissing on the bed.
--So my parents came into the living room where they gave me the third degree and I answered them honestly by telling them that I didn't know if I was gay or not but I did have feelings for Cole and that we will see one another again. They just about had a shit fit and told me that I would be going to boarding school where I would be fixed of this awful sin. I told them that I wasn't going and my parents told me that I was. So I got up off the couch and told them that the only way I was going was if they tied me up and took me there. Then my loving father slapped me hard enough to where it knocked me down on the ground. That is when I ran out the door and hitched a ride up to the lake house where I later called you.--
**Jordan and Phillip just sit there for a minute and Jordan looks over at Phillip.**
Jordan: Phillip, it doesn't matter whether you are gay or not. No matter what happens I am here for you and I want you to know that. Your parents had no right to act the way they did. If I ever see them I will tell them that too.
Phillip: I know but Jordan I am gay and I am now realizing that. I want to take advantage of what I have learned about myself and get out there and live it up. I don't care if everyone knows. If they have a problem with it, fuck them! They can kiss my tight little ass and suck my sweet teenage cock!
Jordan: That is the attitude to have but you know that you are going to have to face them before it is all said and done. You can't continue to hide from them forever.
**The doorbell rings and Phillip jumps up and runs into the library. Jordan answers the door and it is the AWF camera crew that will be shooting his promo for his match on Tuesday night against Jay Jay. Phillip walks out with a sigh of relief that it wasn't his parents. As everyone takes a seat in the living room the doorbell rings yet again. This time Phillip answers it and you will never believe who was at the door.**
Phillip: Oh my god! How in the hell did you find me here? I never told you about Jordan so how is it that you found me?
Cole: I have my sources. But that is not the point. The point is that I did find you and that I am here with you now. I am sorry for earlier this afternoon. I should have locked the door but I didn't and it is my fault that we got caught.
Phillip: It's not your fault Cole. We acted out in what we thought was right and for the first time in my life I can say that I truly know who I am. I want you to know that I have come to terms with my sexuality and that I now know that I am gay. I want to thank you for helping me out with this Cole.
Cole: No need in thanking me. I just did what I wanted and now it works out for the both of us.
**Phillip and Cole walk upstairs to spend some time with one another where they will talk all night long. The will share secrets, their feelings, thoughts, opinions, and just talk to hear one another talk. Back downstairs Jordan has gotten ready for his promo and the cameras begin rolling.**
Jordan: Welcome to my home Jay Jay. I am quite surprised that I haven't heard anything or seen anything from you since I sent my promo out. In any case it doesn't matter because we know who the better man is in this match. That person would be me! Yes, that is what I said. Now that you are making your debut back into the Anarchist Wrestling Federation I must make an example of you and I plan on doing that this Tuesday night. I have watched all of your past promos and there is nothing in there that shows me where you have any talent. You won your matches because you got very damn lucky. Hell, you even won somewhere your opponent didn't even bother to show up. Now that is some hard work. I bet you nearly broke a sweat on that match.
Here I am to shoot this promo and I have nothing to go on. The only thing that I know is that on Tuesday we will meet for the first time and you will not forget this match. I have been waiting for this day to arrive and when it finally does I can tear into you. The AWF has been the only home that I have ever known of and I have lost too many matches as it is. I can't afford to lose to you and there is no way in hell that is going to happen. Sure we pass one another in the halls but we never talk to each other and there is a reason for that. That reason being: I don't much like you. I haven't enjoyed your wrestling style from the beginning and I don't much like you as a person.
People like that always have a place. That place for you is going to be in some hospital or possibly a morgue. I have put up with wrestlers with your type of attitude long enough Jay Jay and it is time that I take matters into my own hand. Soon things will begin to change and whether or not you show up it will be for the good of the AWF and everyone involved. Just remember Jay Jay, come prepared for this match because you are going to need all the help you can get.
**Jordan gets up from the couch and walks back outside where Cole and Phillip are skinny-dipping. He then turns around and walks back into the house to give the two teens their privacy. Just as Jordan walks up the stairs to his bedroom the camera fades to black.**
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